Hopping To It For Easter

This year, the RBA spread the joy by holding not one, but two Rosebank Easter Egg Hunts! While our traditional hunt encouraged our Rosebank employees to embrace the Easter spirit, this year’s event took a slightly different approach, with eager participants searching for hidden eggs on our RBA Easter poster. 

In the past two years, participation has been low, but 2024 witnessed a resurgence in entries, accompanied by overwhelmingly positive feedback for this simple yet engaging activity. 

It’s well understood that people are motivated by the prospect of rewards or recognition, the enjoyment of friendly challenges, and the satisfaction of testing their abilities against others, regardless of the contest’s complexity. And when chocolate is the prize, the motivation only intensifies. 

With 140 entries, the RBA was able to reward 29 Rosebank Easter Egg Hunt winners with goodie bags filled with Easter treats. 

Additionally, the RBA organized a separate competition for Rosebank School, with Sam Ale from Room 8 emerging as the winner. Sam won an Easter Egg Hunt for his class, organised by the RBA team at the school on Wednesday, March 27. 

Imagine the excitement of 28 kids, aged between eight and nine years old, eager to kick off the Rosebank Easter Egg Hunt. Starting from their classroom, students followed clues leading them to the flagpole, where marshmallow delights awaited. A centralised egg collection basket, carried by their teacher, ensured fairness in the sharing of the final bounty. 

The next clue guided the kids to individual pinatas filled with chocolate treats, which they eagerly participated in breaking (with much delight). To add a healthy twist, tasty apples were included as another clue, providing a refreshing break from the chocolate pursuit. 

No adventure is complete without laughter, so a playful joke was shared: Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke? It might crack up! 

The classic egg and spoon race was also included, with students forming two teams and racing to complete the course. Luckily, no yokes were broken! 

Incorporating activities like searching for Easter stickers added variety to the event and ensured it wasn’t solely focused on chocolate. At the jungle gym playground, iced-green gingerbread bunnies were another delightful surprise. 

The final clue led the kids to the outdoor stage, where hot cross buns awaited them for morning tea. 

Special thanks to Molly Woppy for donating the gingerbread bunny biscuits, and Woolworths Lynnmall for providing the Easter eggs and apples. 

Each child received their own individual Rosebank Easter Egg Hunt goodie bag. 

Congratulations once again to Sam Ale, who received an additional goodie bag from the RBA, which included a family pass to Auckland Zoo, along with other delightful treats. 

Roundabout Magazine

This article was published in Roundabout Magazine Issue 206 (April 2024).

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