Enclose: Stylish Solutions for Your Outdoor Space  

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Mulcahy Engineering is proud to introduce Enclose, its newly acquired brand of premium  aluminium covers. Mulcahy, a well-known metal-based manufacturer on Charann Place, acquired Enclose in December 2024, and Brand Manager Kelly Mulcahy is excited to spread the word to Kiwi consumers.  

“Enclose makes premium aluminium covers to cover a home’s external units, such as wheelie bins, heat pumps, gas bottles, and swimming pool pumps,” explains Kelly, adding that those units can be “a bit unsightly.” As demonstrated by an eye-catching video on the Enclose website’s homepage, their aluminium covers are aesthetically designed and easy to install – and they make a major difference to the look of an outdoor space. “Our product is stylish, yet functional, and really good quality, so it will last the test of time. It’s a premium product.”

Mulcahy Engineering is a familiar name both in Rosebank and across New Zealand; the contract manufacturing business creates bespoke metal parts and machines for companies nationwide. The business occupies six buildings on Charann Place, employing 130 people and operating 24 hours a day, five days per week. “We service a wide range of industries, from agriculture to food and dairy,” says Managing Director Kayne Mulcahy (and brother to Kelly). “Mulcahy has a strong reputation in the market for high-level service and high levels of quality, and we’re excited to bring that to the Enclose brand.”

Kayne and Kelly grew up in close proximity to the family business. Their father, Murray, founded Mulcahy in the 1980s, and Kayne joined as a young adult, eventually taking over as Managing Director in 2011.

“As a kid, I remember being in here helping  — or I don’t know if I was helping,” laughs Kelly. She’s new to the team in an official capacity, having formally joined the business specifically to manage the Enclose brand. “It’s been pretty cool to watch Kayne take over the business from Dad and take it from strength to strength. I’m really proud of what he’s done, and it’s great to be able to work alongside him now and learn from him.”

“It’s been quite nice as a family,” adds Kayne, “to bring on this product and then have Kelly come on board to be the brand manager and run part of the business.”

Kelly and Kayne agree that the opportunity to acquire Enclose — originally a Tauranga-based family business that Mulcahy supplied parts to — came at the perfect time.

“We’d been looking to create our own product portfolio,” says Kayne, “either by acquisition or through designing it internally. When this opportunity came up, we saw that it was a good fit for Mulcahy and our capabilities.”

“It’s an incredible brand and product,” adds Kelly. “I love the way it transforms a property and its outdoor space. Our reputation at Mulcahy gives the brand the ability to maintain the high levels of quality and service that Enclose customers are looking for. We’re instilling our family values and our business values into the brand.”

With Enclose now under the umbrella of Mulcahy Engineering, the brand will also benefit from manufacturing effienciencies and the practical expertise of the team. “We have over 40 years of engineering experience across a variety of industries,” says Kayne. “The advantage for Enclose is that we can leverage our existing team to support Kelly, starting with design through to manufacturing, as well as the financial side. We’ve got an amazing team of talented people at Mulcahy, individuals who work really hard towards a common goal.’”

Enclose customers will also benefit from sharing in Mulcahy’s collaborative process and commitment to satisfying their customers’ particular needs. “We can do custom design work very simply within the business,” says Kayne. The team regularly works with clients to create parts and machines that are made to order. “It’s about understanding what the customer requirements are and building relationships that ensure the customer gets the product that they need, that works perfectly for their business. Kelly will be doing exactly the same with Enclose.”

Kelly says she’s loking forward to building those long-term relationships and helping customers discover how the brand can meet their needs — no matter how unique. “Being the manufacturer of the product, we can customise units,” she says. “If a customer comes to us and says, ‘I I like this, but it’s the wrong size,’ we can design and manufacture custom sizes.”

Until now, Enclose has primarily serviced consumers rather than businesses, supplying their product to homeowners and other individuals. Kelly, however, is looking to expand the brand’s reach into the B2B space, setting her sights on group home builders, retirement village developers, apartment developers, and the like.

“I’m really passionate about the product — I think it’s amazing,” she says. “It’s great to see the product in place and the customer just so happy with it. That’s what motivates me.”

To find out more about Enclose or to get in touch with Kelly about your specific requirements, visit the Enclose website: enclose.co.nz

Roundabout Magazine

This article was published in Roundabout Magazine Issue 216 (March 2025).

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