Thank you, Rosebank, you have done yourselves proud and showed up when we put the call out!
We’ve collected 31 units (donations) on the day which will be used to help improve up to 93 of our fellow kiwis’ lives.
We need over 5000 blood and plasma donations every week to meet hospital demand and to ensure there is enough available in NZ for those in need.
A big thank you to Kim and her team at the Rosebank Business Association, who helped get the word out to the local businesses in the area, Love your work!
We would love to see the same energy at our next blood drive in 3 months (watch this space).
If you would like to donate but don’t want to do it on your own, we can help.
All we need is a minimum of 3 x staff from your place of work to start your own Team Red.
We offer a shuttle to and from the drive, friendly faces, and an experienced team to help make your donation time a smooth process.
Give me a call, text message, or email Christina Nabong, [email protected] 027 552 5162