The RBA have just received notification from Auckland Transport that they will be proceeding with the island refuge crossings that were proposed for last year. They are looking to start this work as soon as this week. AT have noted that there will be some minor disruption to traffic flow.
The refuge islands will be placed at the locations of the work.
- Site 1: 607 Rosebank Road: SAECOWilson (Refuge Island)
- Site 2: 549 Rosebank Road: Fine Finish on Rosebank (Bus Stop)
- Site 3: 470 Rosebank Road: Close to Bunnings Trade Entry (Refuge Island)
- Site 4: 362 Rosebank Road: Total Coats (Refuge Island)
- Site 5: 320 Rosebank Road: Doyle Sails (Refuge Island)