Good ol blood, sweat and tears come to mind when physical activity is applied. Regal Beloit NZ Ltd joined forces with university students from AUT, the RBA, Healthy Families and The Whau River Catchment Trust to help with the ongoing restoration of council land bordering the Whau River.
Students from AUT have been working on a project to run in conjunction with “World Habitat Day” which happened to coincide with Regal Beloit offering to help with an environmental event.
The combined group comprised of 16 people who ascended at the back of the TCI New Zealand premises on Friday the 9th October 2020 with wheelbarrows, shovels and buckets in hand with one thing on their mind – to get the job done.
For an hour and a half mulch was transported from a drop off point to an area of established plantings where it was carefully distributed around the plants and their surroundings.
The targeted area looks fantastic, and everyone involved must be commended for a job well done.