What kid doesn’t love a colouring competition? This was very evident when the RBA ran one for the month of June with Rosebank School and Avondale Intermediate. Rosebank School alone sent through 200 entries, and it was interesting to see that for most kids, by the time they reach 11 to 13 years old, colouring in is no longer seen as cool.
The competition was based around Matariki, and it was exciting to receive the colourful posters with the kids’ own personal touches and expressions of who they are as budding artists. It was evident that there is some great talent coming through, which made it very hard for the judges.
The RBA ran the same competition with our local Rosebank business employees’ families, in parallel with the school competition.
Because the competition finished just in time for the school holidays the RBA thought it apt that the prizes reflect time spent with family and so the lucky winners received an array of gifts including Auckland Zoo family passes.