RBA Member

Peninsula Medical – Occupational Health Services that are client focused and business minded. At Peninsula Medical we are committed to excellence, demonstrated by our faculty, our staff and our high quality healthcare. Being a business owners ourselves we understand the needs of businesses, especially regarding employees being well managed in their return to work following illness or injury. Our Vision is to partner with businesses to enable better productivity and business continuity by assisting with the management of employee health and wellness. Our Services include:

Employment Medical Assessments
Alcohol and Drug Testing
Eye Sight Testing
Hearing Tests
Industry Specific screening or examinations
Risk Assessments
Conflict management and resolution
Coaching -Stress and Workload Management
Coaching- health programs, exercise, nutrition and wellness

Our Team Includes:

Doctor experienced in Occupational Medicine
Nurses experienced in Occupational Health
Onsite Psychologist
Onsite Audiologist
Onsite Physiotherapist
Sales and Customer Manager

Contact us for a FREE introductory Site Visit – Phone Lesley Going 834 6300 ext 7  admin@peninsulamed.co.nz

Contact Details

www.peninsulamed.co.nz 09 834 6300 Location: 382 Te Atatu Rd, Auckland, New Zealand