Overview of Service:
Employment assistance that is tailored to your staffing and business needs these include – succession planning and outplacement services
Assistance with recruitment of staff and on the job mentoring (this service is available on request)
Individual or Group Workshops. Topics covered are based on specific staff needs i.e. staff upskilling, conflict resolution etc
Organisational Benefits:
The skills of employees are increased in their current jobs, as well as enhancing their ability to adapt to task and technological changes
Employees who see they have a future in the organization are likely to be happier and more committed
Employees are able to grow through new learning opportunities and challenges they are offered which can potentially result in them staying longer with the company
Talent and skills within the workforce are identified that can be called upon to meet specific company objectives
Employees who feel that their career development is supported by their manager are more likely to respond more willingly to new challenges in the workplace