Hynds Avondale on 88/98 Patiki Road have specialized in concrete drainage, stormwater, wastewater and water main products for New Zealand’s civil and rural infrastructure for over 49 years. Their team of 11 are passionate about customer engagement, discovering solutions for their needs, and community involvement.
On Friday 4th November 2022, at the Hynds Avondale Branch, a Fundraiser for ‘I Am Hope/ Gumboot Friday’ was held. Gumboot Friday was designed to meet the needs of the young people of New Zealand. Using fully qualified, licensed practitioners, young people can book a session at www.gumbootfriday.org.nz and they will usually be seen by a counsellor within a week. Best of all, the bill is taken care of.
A team of their customers, C&S Civil, organized the event and managed the BBQ for Gumboot Friday, while the Avondale Branch facilitated the Event.
Graced with amazing weather, the BBQ was a success and included games such as ‘toss the gumboot into a cesspit’, with prizes given out to the winners. Together, with the support of local tradies, local businesses, and other members of the community, they managed to raise over $5k for the ‘I Am Hope’ charity.